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Hartland Weather Report

from Stoke AWS
at 90 m amsl, 1.3 km from sea

(For a Weather Forecast for Hartland Quay visit the Met Office by clicking on the Met Office button below )

Climatological Reports : click here for the Hartland (Stoke) monthly & yearly climatological summaries


Current Weather Observations

Date 10/02/25
Time 8:59
Temperature 4.3°C
Humidity 85%
Dewpoint 2.0°C
Wind ENE  at  9.6 kt
Barometer 1026.3 mb & Steady
Today's Rain 0.0 mm
Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Monthly Rain 2.8 mm
Wind Chill -0.4°C
Solar Radiation 49 W/m²

Sunrise:   7:40   Sunset:  17:26

Today's Highs & Lows

High Temperature

Low Temperature

5.4°C  at   0:00

4.3°C  at    7:38

High Humidity

Low Humidity

88%   at   0:35

84%   at   4:14

High Dewpoint

Low Dewpoint

3.3°C  at   0:00

2.2°C  at   3:02

High Wind Speed 30.4 kt  at   7:16

High Barometer

Low Barometer

1029.8  mb  at   0:15

1026.0 mb  at   6:52

High Rain Rate

0.0 mm/hr  at  ----

Low Wind Chill

-1.7°C  at   5:41

High Solar Radiation

67 W/m²  at   8:16

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Climatological Reports : click here for the Hartland (Stoke) monthly climatological summaries

DISCLAIMER:- Never base important decisions or events on data from this private weather station. The data from the Automatic Weather Station is uploaded automatically and is not quality controlled. All data on this site carries indicative status only and is offered as a general guide to local conditions only, purely as a personal interest. No guarantee is given or implied for information on this site and any use made of it is entirely at your own risk.